How do I use Printroop printer?

How do I use Printroop™ Printer? (Guide)

Step 1: Download our app

To get started, follow one of these simple steps below:

  1. Open  the Apple App Store  or  Google Play Store  on your mobile device.
  2. Scan the QR code below to go directly to the app OR click on the link below.  

Apple App Store:

Click Here  OR scan the QR code below:
Google Play Store: 
Click Here  OR scan the QR code below:
Click on ''Download'' or ''Install'' to start the installation process. Be sure to wait until the app is completely downloaded and ready installed in the mobile! 

Step 2: Connect Printroop™ Printer

After successfully installing the app on your mobile, follow the steps below to connect the app and your Printroop™ Printer.

  1. Open the app you just downloaded on your mobile.
  3. A button will appear directing you to pair your printer (Note: Make sure your printer is charged before using it AND turned on during the pairing process!.)
  4. After you successfully connect the app and the printer, you can print a QR code again to scan. 
  5. Once you're done with step 4, you're ready to enjoy your Printroop™ Printer!

If you have any questions, please watch this video: 

Step 3: Explore and Enjoy! 


Once you've downloaded and registered your new printer, you can start exploring the features and functionality of our app. Discover new ways to express your ideas, capture moments and attach them anywhere with ease.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact our customer support team at or look through our collection of tutorials by clicking on profile -> Use tutorial